Architectural Scope of Work | Steps involve in Architectural work | Working on Architectural Drawings

Architectural Scope of Work | Steps involve in Architectural work | Working on Architectural Drawings

Discussion regarding basic requirements in Plan:

In which requirements are walked out in detail, regarding requirement often they are considered to be exact things what a client think about or architect think we will do all according to the client whatever our client have thought, but it should not be actually that.  A good architect should use his knowledge according to requirements. Sometimes the client lack many things regards requirements but an architect should consider all about not only the present but also the future

Working on the Initial draft:

The second step is the initial paperwork which is actually what requirements, the client and architect make final and are shifted to paper. So after the initial draft, the adjustments of things should be rearranged according to whether space allows us or not, and then the work should be continued. There should be the minimum choice for client so that the client can easily decide any other option

 Final Plan:

After a discussion with the client, a final plan is prepared which should be according to client requirements as long as architect practicalities.

Elevation Plan of  House:

After completing the planning process the next important step is the Elevation plan. The elevation is basically the face of the house, how will it appear. mainly there are two types of Elevations 2D & 3D. The purpose of 3D is to develop the client's understanding which the client never gets in 2D. This representation may through hand sketches or Softwares.

Submission of  Drawings:

After completing the drawing are submitted to the housing concerned authorities for approval. The drawing should include a plan, some crossectional blocks, stair details, and front elevation, etc.

Working Drawings:

It includes Structural drawings, Architectural working drawings, Public Health drawings, and electrification.

Interior Designs:

It also linked with architectural sub-design which includes finishing, curtains, furniture, Colour combination, flooring, and Ceiling, etc.

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